Your Unique Training Consultant

Christina is a highly experienced training consultant with a uniquely broad spectrum of training skills, enhanced by her CV, which encompasses career changes across both commerce and the civil society sector.

Concretely, Christina has more than 30 years’ successful experience of working with people who are applying for internships, further education, and jobs in both Western Europe and the Balkans. She has an extensive background of working with people at all stages of life, from students through to experienced professionals and career changers.

In Great Britain, Christina established her own highly successful training consultancy providing counselling, training and coaching in job search techniques, communication and leadership skills, time and stress management, equal opportunities, and assertiveness. Her wide client base included FTSE 100 firms and public sector entities, as well as private individuals. Since 1997 she has continued this work in the Republic of Macedonia with a focus on private individuals and civil society. As such, Christina offers un-paralleled expertise and experience combining both Western European and Balkan perspectives.

Before becoming a trainer, Christina worked in international bond sales and marketing, working for various prestigious British based international banks, culminating in being appointed, before the age of 30, a Director of BZW, the investment arm of Barclays Bank. She formed and led two sales teams that both became leaders in their field within a year. She subsequently became an activist for disability rights within the NGO sector in Macedonia and is credited with initiating and inspiring both legal reform and meaningful change in this area with a specific emphasis on successful lobbying and advocacy.

Christina has lived in Macedonia since 1997. In 2006, she was awarded citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia by the government in recognition of her services to the NGO sector, in particular her work as a disability rights advocate. Other recognitions she has received include the Mother Theresa Award (2002) and the Jan van Appeldorf Award (2001). In 2005, she was nominated for European Woman of the Year (GB).